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The Phase.

People don't change, you get to know them more. Events make people change their feelings towards you, events take away your friends. Events limit replies into just 'seen' messages. Although changes always are not pleasing; changes turn 'Achates' of your life into 'Intruders'.  Some people are not just normal people. They're a part of your life. You can't resist without talking to them, you waste a day if you don't. I ain't referring to anything related to relationships here, rather I'm talking about your 'best friends'. Your best friends who promised to be there no matter how bad you might be, best friends who promised to never let you go. But one day you realize you're best friends are not the best ones anymore, you've got to know them more. Your messages are 'seen' and not replied.This phase comes. You're killed. You're interesting no more,  You don’t know whether to feel bad or feel like it’s som
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Finding Positives Inside Third Degree Moments In Life

Here I am, sitting on a chair with my notebook right in front of me, trying to get something on a page. I know if I survive this session anyhow, I will come out with something that at least will satisfy the half of me, but if I couldn't, I’ll be procrastinating again. ‘Procrastination’ is the sole thing that I do every day when I have a work to do. I hate it, but I can’t help and end up procrastinating. I know procrastination's got me going nowhere. I know if I procrastinate today, this will sum up hurting me tomorrow. I know this isn’t going to lead me anywhere. But hey, wait, where’s this thing leading me now? We usually think of the bad times we’ve had and often question ourselves “Where are these bad moments leading us to?” We often get into trouble, we often wish we’d been out of the horrible times soon. Sometimes we prefer quitting instead of facing the problem. Not sometimes, in fact, I’ve done it several times. We get so much stressed out that we feel like it